Our Rec – Projects


Volunteers planting trees 

Thanks to Huddersfield Tree Society for their help and loan of their equipment.

Summer Planting

Lots of plants donated from local residents, Fixby Stores and Asda.

Volunteers planting trees 

Thanks to Huddersfield Tree Society for their help and loan of their equipment.

Spring Bulbs Planted

Over 1000 bulbs were planted in autumn and gave a bright display around the Rec – these will multiply as the naturalise to create a stunning display every spring.


Tree Planting

Woodland Trust Trees planted – thanks to all our volunteers who worked tirelessly to plant the 250 trees donated by the Woodland Trust to enhance wildlife and improve the environment.  The rec site used to be a quarry add to this an exceptionally dry spring makes planting extremely tough especially tree planting. It will be amazing to see these trees establish and see the birds and wildlife they will attract into the area.


Summer Planting

Lots of plants donated from local residents, Fixby Stores and Asda.

Volunteers planting trees 

Thanks to Huddersfield Tree Society for their help and loan of their equipment.

Community Garden
Community Garden